2Ri Robotics Corp.

網站: www.2rirobotics.com
電話號碼: 519-829-2335
傳真號碼: 519-829-2346
詳細地址: 15 Cope Court, Guelph, ON
郵政代碼: N1K 0A4
市鎮: 貴湖
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-2011-2953
2Ri Robotics Corp. is one of the largest and most trusted sources for FANUC Robotics parts, refurbished robots and repair.

Our mission is simple: To provide high-quality sales, service and consulting solutions at competitive prices to ensure your business operates at peak efficiency and profitability.

Locating and sourcing parts—no matter how hard to find
Repair and testing
Sales of used or fully refurbished robots
24/7 technical support
Custom Cable Harness Build

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