Health Upwardly Mobile Inc., (HUM) is an Integrated Health and Wellness company based in Calgary, Alberta. Our team includes a variety of healthcare providers including nurses, physicians, and psychologists. HUM offers personal and corporate services, as well as training and workshops on topics related to Addiction, Mental Health, and Chronic Pain.
HUM’s unique strength is our ability to draw on individual and collaborative expertise to provide tailored individual care within an Integrated Continuing Care Framework. For all new referrals, this involves a comprehensive assessment to identify the individual’s physical and/or mental health issues. We also recognize the importance of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual dimensions for individuals and their families. Our work reflects collaborative strategies, preventive resources and leading edge research in the areas of Addiction, Mental Health and Chronic Pain.
Treatment, recovery and rehabilitation recommendations will focus on returning the individual to a state of “wellness” as soon as possible. Recommendations will be designed to ensure the earliest return to work and/or healthy living within the capabilities of each individual.