Sales Representative for all your manufacturing & product needs. The one stop for all your manufacturing & product needs.
We are not a wholesaler or a distributor or a retail store. We are a "Resource Provider". We connect our customers to the "resources" they need!
Are you a Purchaser, Program Manager, Business Owner or Inventor, looking for one or several different resources to complete a project?
Why get frustrated and waste your valuable time, energy and money searching for the appropriate resource, when you can have us look for you?
We are experienced professionals and trades persons that will find the resources you need!
Our services are free to our customers, we are paid by our resources only when they successfully assist our customers.
We have over 500 quality resources around the globe to assist our customers.
Inventors - we will be happy to sign confidentiality statements if that is required. We can provide a profoma for you.
Canadian Corporations should contact us to find out how they can save money at tax time! Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR& ED). We have resources that can assist you to get the maximum allowed.