網站: www.avr-global.com
電話號碼: 514-788-1420
詳細地址: 1203 rue Marie-Victorin, Saint-Bruno, QC, Canada
郵政代碼: J3V 6C3
市鎮: saint bruno
省區: 魁北克省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-451974-10514
AV&R is an engineering firm specializing in automation with more than 120 employees operating worldwide. It offers automation, machine vision and robotics solutions.

The majority of AV&R’s business is in the following industries: aerospace and defense, as well as in energy. AV&R is always looking at new fields to enlarge its offer and develop new areas of expertise. Its engineering consulting team is always looking for challenges and innovations.

AV&R stands apart through its innovative approach and its expertise in engineering and design of complete turnkey automation systems. AV&R stays ahead of the curve by investing massively in research and development to keep offering the best solutions available to its clients. AV&R’s products are based on the ideas of its team as well as the listening and understanding of the needs of its clients.

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