Fairfield Watson & Lewis Inc.

網站: www.fairfieldwatson.com
電話號碼: 403-262-7278
傳真號碼: 403-262-7251
詳細地址: Unit 22, 4550-112th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB, Canada
郵政代碼: T2C 2K2
市鎮: 卡爾加里
省區: 阿爾伯塔省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Business Services
Web Directory No.LK-105364-6301
Fairfield Watson & Lewis Inc. is an integrated consulting firm helping Canadian employers and employee groups design competitive, cost- effective employee benefits plans.

Our primary goal is to become your trusted partner in identifying the most cost-effective and suitable benefit arrangements available. We work to ensure your ongoing peace of mind through designing benefit plans that provide clear, certain and comprehensive protection for your most valuable resource — your people.

Fairfield Watson & Lewis Inc. is a leader in employee benefits, retirement and insurance consulting. Our proven ability to foster long-term, positive relationships between benefit providers, employers and their employees helps create benefit plans that can attract and retain top performers and have a positive effect on our clients’ profitability.

Once we fully understand and establish your program goals, we review your current arrangements and provide relevant and cost-effective options, taking an expert hands-on role in the ongoing coordination of all elements of the programs including a value-focused analysis at renewal and ongoing monitoring of strategic options to meet your evolving needs.

Our multi-disciplined approach brings full service benefits consulting and plan operation expertise to more than 170 Canadian businesses that enjoy a distinct advantage in the competitive market for great employees. These companies leverage the value of their benefits and insurance investments into long-term employee assets who are healthier, more productive and more likely to improve a company’s bottom line.

With limited capacity or desire to manage employee benefit issues on a day to day basis, many organizations depend on us to design, operate, communicate, and manage their programs with a comprehensive and ongoing commitment to success that includes:
•understanding management’s non-cash compensation philosophy and goals
•auditing and regularly monitoring employee perceptions
•creating communication strategies to leverage the perceived value of the employee benefits investment
•continually monitoring the providing carrier’s performance reporting plan operation and financial position to management
•supporting our clients’ Human Resource (HR) personnel on all benefit program operations issues
•providing updates to management of benefit trends and marketplace developments
•developing marketplace specifications to test relative competitiveness of carrier performance
•working with marketplace providers in the development of their submissions
•developing and presenting comprehensive marketplace reports periodically, and renewal reports annually
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